Hang the DJ

LThis is the story of 2 people looking for a true love, Frank and Amy. When it comes to searching, we use technology. There is an application called Aries. This application is an application for searching for true love, People present to this virtual assistant where to go, where to meet Dec. They seem to have entrusted their own fate to him down to the smallest detail. The food they eat, even the duration of their relationship, is predetermined. The coach accompanies them to the house where they will live and then they leave them on their own. So even in such a system, they have their own free will.

If there are too many things to choose, we will have electoral paralysis. Even a small relationship between these two provides big data to the system.Dec. Even the smallest things that have no meaning for us can be transformed into analgesic things by these systems. Coach, on the other hand, is trying to find the options that may be most suitable for them with the data collected. As a result, the system is able to make a match that suits you with 99.8%, but until we get to that point, participants need to experience many relationships of various lengths.

Our couple meet in a party even though the system does not match them, 2.time. There is a very high wall around the area where they live, a border, it seems impossible to get out of the system, to get out of this life. You have to live in that world. You have to learn from everything that happens to you, because everything happens for a reason. At parties, if the DJ starts playing bad music, the audience starts saying it, that's where the phrase comes from. It is generally available for people who manage music, manage a band, offer something to people, but do it according to their own taste and without caring about others.

Then our couple gets back together, Dec 3.once, but this time with system mapping. By the way, one of them had a single relationship for a long time, and the other had a lot of short-term relationships. Dec. When they meet again after all this experience, they decide not to look at the countdown machine. So they start living without knowing how long it will last. Everything must be going well for our couple, who really like each other, but Frank, overcome with curiosity, wants to check how much time they have left, and here's what's happening. Although the system says that their duration was 5 years at first, it starts to decrease every second, and eventually there are 20 hours left.(as an explanation, he says that the unilateral review has destabilized the period. ) Because one of the parties has betrayed the feeling of trust between them in this relationship, and then they start new experiences again. Dec.

Finally, the system says that it has found the ideal match and also states that it can say goodbye to one of its former relationships before meeting him. In this case our pair is 4. once they get together and look at how long they have left, 1 minute and 24 seconds...that's when they make a decision, “I don't care about the system, I want you. Dec.” They made their own choices. this world is a test for us, and they think that if we rebel against the ba system together, we can pass this test.They start running away, trying to jump off the wall. It means not accepting the limits set by this system for them, not submitting to authority.

they made the final decisions, and suddenly the world around them stopped. There were no barriers anymore. Until everything was a simulation, the episode we watched was the 998th simulation. This couple loved each other so much that they rebelled against the system in 998 out of 1000 simulations. 99.8% match.So, as you can see, the world created by the system was nothing more than a mobile application. In theory, what happens if we upload not only our photos to this system, but all we know, our thoughts, that is, everything that makes us who we are ? If everyone does this, not just us, and our avatars are Decoupled together in the virtual world 1000 times.

1.teori her şey tesadüf ve bu kişiler rastgele bir araya geliyorlar 2.teori sistem kafamızdaki her şeye sahipse. Bu bölüm 2.teorinin doğruluğunu gösteriyor. Şimdi 1.teoride ki gibi hayatımıza devam edebiliriz ya da 2.teroriyi kendi hayatıızda sorgulamalımıyız ?Biz hayatlarımıza devam ettikçe elimizdeki cihazlar veri topluyor kafamızdan geçen her şeyi paylaştıkça bir profil oluşturuyor ve belki de 998’ci simülasyonumuz içindeyiz.

Maybe that's what a soul mate is called. What you have found many times, maybe you think you have found, you are not sure... you do not know whether you are in 998 out of 1000 simulations or in the 2 that did not rebel and remained in the simulation... The only thing we know is that the life software has placed unnaturally, absurdly large obstacles in front of you. Time, distance, different cultures, different cities, different views of life, etc. Overcoming these obstacles is a separate problem, what will happen after overcoming them is different... But what if we are asked to jump over the wall hand in hand, not just looking behind us and in front of us? Then if we are going to wake up from this simulation and meet in reality?

Charlie Brooker is here giving the audience and society the middle finger to our understanding of relationships. Amy says that throughout your life, you've been drifting from relationship to relationship with an algorithm imposed on you by society's established value judgments in order to find the right person. He tries, he makes mistakes, he gets upset, and every time you either become more fragile or more emotionless. Eventually, you get tired and marry the person the ”system“ calls you ”this is the right person in your life" because you no longer have the strength to handle any more relationships. You say that's it, and you give yourself reasonable excuses. The wedding scene in the series is a scene that describes very well the fact that a person can convince himself. We are able to convince ourselves that the “right person” that the system has found for us is the person that we are really looking for, that we want, that excites us when we hold his hand.When we get to the point of divorce or separation, we realize that we are trying to convince ourselves, we are trying to deceive ourselves, and we are not making an effort to get out of the system.

Let's say we're in a test right now, as Amy mentioned. As he says at the end of the episode, “this is a test”... the algorithm we call life matches us with someone, and even most matches happen with people we never wanted. We constantly ask ourselves the question: "Why am I with someone like this? Why did I choose this?..." Every association provides us with an experience and we learn something more about ourselves. But deep down we are always looking for that ultimate person. The one who will complete us. When you ask yourself, the answer that comes from you is that this is love, a desire for completion beyond love, you get the answer. When you find that person, you don't know how to know if he is the right person, because there is no math, there are no rules. You just hold her hand like Amy does in the show and observe your feelings.

In a nutshell, you are in such a world. What is being asked of you is actually simple: find the person you will love so much that you will have the courage to get out of this world at all costs, to go beyond the wall. Let this be such a person that when you are with him, do not look at the clock. Don't think about the time. Stay in the moment. Do not look at your future, your past. Do not focus on how long the relationship will last and be willing to get out of the simulation, i.e. the endless loop, despite all the obstacles you face.

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